Creating a Parent and Young Person's Portal Account (Education, Health and Care Plans)

If you are a new user: You will be prompted by your Education, Health and Care Co-ordinator (EHCCo) to create an account. You can follow the steps below if you need guidance. You will need to ensure your details are added as well as your child's (for whom the request for statutory assessment is for)

I already have an account: If you already have an account, you can log in using the same details. Please ensure that your child's details are also added to your account (see step 5) 

You can follow the below steps to show you how to create an account, alternatively you can watch this step-by-step video to guide you through the process.

Step 1: Creating an account 

To create an account follow this link : Sign in or you can click on the Sign In found on the top right of the homepage. 

You will then be taken to the Sign in page. Click on Create a Parent / Young Person Account.

Step 2 : Add your details 

You will be asked to input your personal details. Please complete all sections marked with a red star *

Step 3: Create your Password 

In the Account Security section, you will be asked to provide a unique password for the account. Once you have created your password, click the 'Create' button

Step 4: Verify your account

You will be sent an email to verify your account.

Access your emails and click on the verification link, your account will then be verified and ready to use. 

Go to the Sign In page and enter your email address or username, click Next , enter your unique password and click 'Sign In'

You will then need to ensure you are on the right page. Click on the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Education Health and Care Plans tile found on the homepage. 

You will then need to click on Visit Education Health and Care Plans- Parent and Young Person Portal. 

You should then be able to view your account homepage. 

Step 5:  Add your child

On your account homepage select the Add Child button

Add your child’s details: Forename (first name),  Surname and DOB (date of birth) . You do not need to enter any other details. 

You do not need to upload any documents here this is only for schools.

Click Next, check the details are correct and click Save.

Further assistance and information

If you require further assistance or are experiencing technical difficulties please contact ICT via email 

Please note: The account will lock after 20 minutes of inactivity, so you will need to sign in again.