Forgotten My Account Password

This page will provide a step by step guide to changing your password if you have forgotten it. If at any stage you feel you need further help, please contact us on 0208 825 5588 or email us at Our support hours are from 09:00am to 05:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

If you are using an account to access the Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans Portal, please contact 

Step 1: Navigating to the Forgotten Password button

If you already have an account, click on the 'Sign In' icon.

Enter your email address, then click next. You will be asked to enter your password, if you have forgotten your password, click on the forgotten password button.

Step 2: Request a token to verify your identity

In order to reset your password, you must request a token. Click on the Request token button and you will receive an email with a token inside.

Copy and paste the token into the token field provided, then click the 'Reset Password'.

Step 3: Enter a new password

You can now enter a new password. The new password must contain the following:

Minimum of 12 characters

  • One letter
  • One number
  • One uppercase letter
  • One lowercase letter
  • One special character (for example * # !%)
  • Not the same as your username or email 

Then click 'Change Password