Step 1: Sign in
Go to the Sign In page and enter your email address or username, click Next
Enter your unique password and click 'Sign In'
Step 2: Finding your Education, Health and Care Plan
Now that you are logged in, you will be taken to your Account Homepage.
Scroll down to the Other Information Section. Select the Document, Letter and Notification History button
On this page, find the ‘Child Document History List’ and select the row titled ‘final EHC plan. It will highlight blue once selected
Directly under the document list, you will see a section called Document Upload.
Under this section, click download
The Final Education, Health and Care Plan Document will open in a new tab.
Further Assistance and Information
If you require further assistance or are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact ICT via email:
The account will lock after 20 minutes of inactivity, so you will need to sign in again. Please save your work regularly.